
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
电话: 315 720-7379
名称: 特雷西·穆萨拉·马切斯
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

此种疗法 (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) helps people resolve traumatic memories and current emotional difficulties. 此种疗法 can be used to facilitate therapy when a patient is unable to free him or her self from painful memories, is stuck in the progress of the treatment, is having intrusive thoughts or images, 经常性的噩梦, 等等.......

It is an integrative psychotherapy approach that permits desensitization and reprocessing of traumatic memories and present disturbing experiences so there is little or no distress and with positive, 而不是消极的, 关于自我的信念. This can sometimes occur rapidly and can have long-lasting effects.


研究 results show the effectiveness of this method particularly with PTSD symptoms. The recent American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines for treatment of patients with Acute Stress Disorder and PTSD includes 此种疗法, 以及认知行为疗法, 作为有效的治疗方法. 事实上, the UK's National Institute for Clinical Excellence now requires clinics that provide PTSD services to offer clients both trauma focused CBT and 此种疗法. The American Psychology Association has approved 此种疗法 for treating civilian trauma.


Seasoned clinicians find this highly focused psychotherapeutic method can be incorporated within the context of individual psychotherapy and into a range of therapeutic approaches including models of time-limited therapy. 最近培训的临床医生, and mental health professionals near the conclusion of their training, experience ease in integrating the 此种疗法 approach into their other learning.


This 此种疗法 course conforms with established criteria and has been fully approved by the 此种疗法 International Association.


特雷西·穆萨拉·马切斯, 垃圾, LCSW-R, 实践教授, 锡拉丘兹大学, Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, 社会工作学院 & 临床教授, SUNY 上州医科大学 at Syracuse, Department of 精神病学 and Behavioral Medicine

  • 此种疗法IA Approved Instructor and Consultant in 此种疗法 Therapy
  • CNY 此种疗法IA Regional Network Co-Coordinator
  • 临床社会工作者